Getting Started

You strike me as a person who wants to be organized. It takes time up front, but that time is returned to you and then some in the future. Lets get started!

Join Up

Joining Tracktacular is simple: all you need is a username, email, and a password. You'll get an unlimited trial of the site and all trackers for one month. Join Now!

Account Settings

Visit the Account Page whenever you want to change your tracker settings or general preferences. By default, all trackers are enabled and private.

Start Tracking

If you're not sure what to do first, I recommend starting with the Task Tracker. Externalizing your tasks is the simplest and quickest way to clear your mind.

Schedule Alerts

Some trackers generate alerts, such as not completing a task or goal on time, or reminding you about a calendar event. The more alerts you set up, the less you'll need to remember. Try it now by setting a target date on one of your tasks.

Have Fun!

Tracktacular makes it fun to organize your life. There's something very rewarding about achieving goals, seeing patterns in your dreams, or watching your exercise progress improve over time. The more you put into it, the more you'll get back. Check out the Tracktacular Blog if you want to learn more about life logging.
What are you waiting for, start trackin!

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